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Aktuelles 2019

Berufsschule Cham goes Europe: Dublin - 1st week


On 27/10 fifteen students of Berufsschule Cham and Kelheim went to Dublin (Ireland) by plane for a 3-week-work experience.

In the evening we all arrived well in Dublin and were introduced to our homestay families. The first real day in Dublin was a Bank Holiday so the group was able to explore the city in a sightseeing treasure hunt after a student-led guided tour through the Trinity college and the famous Book of Kells. Finally and after a long day all were able to let the day end with a cold and definitely well-earned pint of Guinnes Beer in the cozy Temple Bar.

2019 11 04 Dublin 2 Trinity

2019 11 04 Dublin 3

2019 11 04 Dublin 4

2019 11 04 Dublin 5 Temple Bar

 On Tuesday the highly enthusiastic students had their first day at ADC College Dublin. The first English lessons started with a short introduction round and then kept on going with grammar tasks. The nexts days started almost similar for the students: Getting up in the morning, travelling to college by train and by bus and then - after various teaching topics - they always planned spartime activities like visiting the Guinnes store house or doing kinds of little sightseeing tours around the city.  

2019 11 04 Dublin 10

On Saturday we made a trip across the country to the stunning Cliffs of Moher, followed by a short 2-hours visit to Galway city.

2019 11 04 Dublin 6 Cliffs of Moher

2019 11 04 Dublin 7

2019 11 04 Dublin 8

2019 11 04 Dublin 9 Galway

All in all it was a fantastic first week in Ireland and all the students are hyped for the following two ones.

by Jim, Melissa & Mona

If you can't wait for more stories about our stay in Dublin follow us on instagram.

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