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Aktuelles 2019

Berufsschule Cham goes Europe: Dublin - 3rd week


The last week began. It's incredible how fast these past two weeks were over. Some of us spent their Sunday in Dun Laoghaire and at Phoenix Park.

Phoenix Park is said to be the largest inner-city park of the world and is home to many animals

2019 11 17 Dublin Phoenix Park 2

In the third week we all started back into our internships. After the first week at our companies we all have settled in well and the cooperation with the colleagues got better. Our teachers visited us diligently at our companies and were pleased about the positive feedback.

2019 11 17 Dublin Teacher Visits

On Tuesday evening we met with our teachers at the pub and chipped off the day with a cold Guinness or apple cider. Bottoms up!

Now it was time for us to buy some souvenirs for family and friends and for ourselves as we only had a few days left. Thursday was pub night with our two teacher at a jazz pub.

And then the last full day in Dublin started. We worked a few more hours in our firms and then went to the ADC College where we got our certificates.

2019 11 17 Dublin Certification bearbeitet

We celebrated farewell at O'Connell's and danced at a club afterwards.

2019 11 17 Dublin Farewell

On Saturday we met at the airport, all with bulging suitcases and ready to take the plane right home.

New experiences and friendships have been formed through our Dublin journey. It was an amazing trip that we will never forget. Many thanks for everything!

Bye Dublin, see you soon!

By Katrin & Verena

Students at Work 2019

 Follow us on instagram if you want even more insight about our stay as well as our future travels.

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